
Showing posts from February, 2021

February 22, 2021 Ruth weekly my tech high post

 I liked seeing the website with the Mars rover. I am glad it made it to Mars safe. I really like playing Prodigy math game. I am good at battles with math.

February 22, 2021 Pearl weekly my tech high post

 This week I learned about the Mars rover Perseverance. It was cool to see the different parts and how they work. I hope they find evidence of life on Mars. 

February 15, 2021 Pearl weekly my tech high post

 I wrote a story about Bear Lake. Except I left out some important details, so I want to re-do it this week. I really like playing Prodigy math game. I am really good at 1s, 5s, 10s, and 11s, times tables. I need to get better at 9s, 7s, and 3s. 

February 15, 2021 Ruth weekly my tech high post

 I liked learning about the animal with the biggest heart. It's a blue whale. I learned the heart pumps blood full of air and nutrients. I wrote a story about mermaids that fight bad starfish. I also played a math game called multiplication match.

February 8, 2021 Pearl weekly my tech high post

 I read in my books Island of the Blue Dolphins, Jackie Robinson, and Little House. I liked learning about sky scrapers and building them. I learned that buildings move a little in the wind. In math a right angle looks like a corner of a piece of paper.

February 8, 2021 Ruth weekly my tech high post

 I learned about sky scrapers and how they don’t fall. I played prodigy math game with learning shapes and adding. I liked dance class.

February 1, 2021 Ruth weekly my tech high post

  For math I did some plussing and measuring. For tech I made pancakes with my sister pearl. I read in my sewing book about how to do a whip stitch.

February 1, 2021 Pearl weekly my tech high blog post

I  did some measurements on my math sheets. I did some multiplication. In mystery science I learned that computers were first used to solve really hard math problems. I am reading Little House in the Big Woods. At Christmas in the Little house they got red mittens and peppermint sticks.